Software Informer questions & answers

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Question by Guest
October 22, 2021

I have installed on my Software Informer app since the early last years and i cannot add this program yet. The loading screen appears while Software Informer to have been opened and you may see a menu by clicking on the Apps section, you may see a program has not been added because due to a greyed out.

Any issue? Because, the server has been temporarily unavailable on some dates, and the program would not be added.

Question by Guest
October 20, 2021

You may see an error code which it has been appeared: "12002", "12007", or "-7". This means that the server has been timed out appears when opening the Software Informer app. How to resolve this program issue?

Answer by Ashish Bajaj

To resolve the "Software Informer error while loading this app" issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. Restart your computer and try opening the app again.
  2. Disable any antivirus or firewall temporarily and check if the issue persists.
  3. Ensure that you have a stable internet connection.
  4. Clear cache and temporary files on your computer.
  5. Try reinstalling the Software Informer app.
  6. Contact the support team of Software Informer for further assistance, providing them with the error code (if available).

Please note that the specific solution may depend on the exact cause of the error.

Guest #28264350
Question by Guest #28264350
September 15, 2013
Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

I am afraid you will need to format the card because it's a little too hard to decrypt the password. This is something related to vault applications. For instance, if you set up the password and remove the application, all your content is lost. Same thing applies to this situation. Since passwords are not stored in plain text files, you will need a custom application created specifically for your phone.

Question by Violette Morel 1
August 12, 2015
Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

Yes, the application is safe to use on your computer/laptop, etc. I have installed it a very long time ago and have been using it since. I keep the software installed, because I can easily track all the updates for the installed applications. Being a tech savvy, I also like to stay in touch with latest news through the articles displayed within the application.

Additionally, if offers the possibility of posting comments to apps or asking questions to find the help I need when something goes wrong with an application's update, functionality, re-installation, etc.

Download page:

Question by Nancy Roelke
April 7, 2008

How can I upgrade my Software Informer program when I still getting an message on my computer saying that I have an old version listed. When I click on the message this website comes up but I don't see how to get my upgrade? I already register. Still unable to find the upgrade. I only see Download Software Informer 0.9 version listed. Do I just download that version to get my upgrade?

Answer by Caramelka

You are apparently using the old version of SI client because the newer version has automatic updates. You should reinstall the client. To do so, press the "Download Software Informer 0.9b" blue button or go to

karthik reddy
Question by karthik reddy
September 2, 2012
Answer by Rushdi

i downloaded software informer in my computer , but still not activated , now i want to know the process that will enable me to activate it

Question by Andrii
January 24, 2011
Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

This is an error that is related to Delphi 6. You will need to apply latest updates in order to fix it. On the other hand, Delphi 6 is not used on a large scale anymore because it has been replaced with upgraded versions. I recommend on installing another Delphi version.

Question by Guest
February 10, 2013

The program's download link on has not been found.

Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

If you found a Software's Informer page which states that the download link has been removed or not found it might be because the developer may have removed the link, the product has expired or the application has not been reviewed yet. You can always take the software's name and search on Google.

Stephen Joseph Marks
Question by Stephen Joseph Marks
March 22, 2013

I have Software Informer on my Windows PC and recently I've decided to install Android Informer on my smartphone. I used the same Gmail account for both, and yet I can't get these to link up to this main page.

Answer by Alex Urbach

It is possible to use the same account on Android client and Software client but on the webpage you will see the applications for every section meaning that after you click Profile and select the Software/Android applications, you will be taken automatically to the desired page. Android is different from Software that's why you can't have them both in the same location. The website is structured differently and although it is based on the same principle, Android and Software parts have their own sections.

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